Dear authors,
The editorial team of the International Journal of Professional Business Review (JPBReview) read your article "DIRETRIZES PARA IMPLANTAÇÃO DE SISTEMA DE GESTÃO AMBIENTAL EM IES" presented in the congress "XXV Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção (SIMPEP): Inovação E Sustentabilidade Na Gestão De Processos De Negócios". Considering the relevance of this congress in your knowledge area, and the quality of your work, we invite you to submit your article in our journal.
Once submitted, your article will be evaluated by external reviewers and, if approved, you’ll be required to pay a publication fee of $250 (American dollars). This fee includes registration of the article's individual DOI, text fomatting, database indexing and publication certificate. The review process of your submitted article takes approximately 10 working days.
Our journal is published by Open Access Publications, headquartered in Florida, United States of America and is indexing: Scimago Q4, Redalyc, Latindex, and others. On Google Scholar our articles have more than 5,500 citations, with H Index = 26 and i10 Index = 162.
To find more about our journal and submit your paper, please visit the website below: https://www.openaccessojs.com/JBReview
Best regards,
Editorial Team
International Journal of Professional Business Review