This thesis proposes in its first published article a recycling 4.0 factory, starting from a wide investigation in the literature, interviews and documents to obtain a diagnosis with improvement opportunities, aiming to build sustainable management systems. In addition, the second article published is a planning of a routine management for work processes continuous improvement. Above all, a management model is proposed that uses Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Production (LP) principles through an empirical study of an oil refinery scheduled maintenance shutdown for efficiency and reduction of waste, considering the need for asset replacement or repair of components inherent to the analyzed industrial plant. These assets are potential candidates to participate in a circular economy with the recycling factory 4.0 proposed in the first article published, integrating their waste into the value chain and into a new business model that recycles industrial components to support the resolution of a socio-economic development of the industry. Besides, once the main objective is to develop a sustainable supply chain, considering the synergies between Lean Manufacturing, BIM, Industry 4.0 and Sustainability, the third article of this thesis is a diagnosis in the oil and gas industry to identify opportunities for improving the processes that guide the creation of a Lean Six Sigma model for operations management. Finaly, the fourth article integrates the models proposed in the previous articles and proposes an interdisciplinary Lean management system model, called Circular Value Stream Mapping (CVSM) that is applied with well-known experts in BIM, Lean and Circular Economy (CE). Therefore, with the objective of evaluating the proposed construct through the perception of the public of interest, experts from the oil and gas industry participated in focus group events to analyze feasibility of implementation of the proposed model and highlight points of attention. The research methodology explores interdisciplinarity through an empirical study that uses the triangulation between documents, literature and focus groups to propose and evaluate a new business model that aims to adapt the value chain of the oil and gas sector, seeking to technically make feasible a recycling factory 4.0. The present work highlights the innovation in the exploration of concepts of industry 4.0, LP and sustainability to propose and evaluate advantages and disadvantages of the proposed sustainable management system that aims to implement practices of circular economy.
Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Oil and Gas, Continuous Improvement, Circular Economy, Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Manufacturing Sector, Sustainable Supply Chain, Interdisciplinary, Building Information Modeling, Facility Management.